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Photographed by Aat Vuik

Location: Near Tihongonyeni waterhole. (along Capricorn Loop between Mopani and Shingwedzi

Date: May 16th 2011
Photographed by Sal Davies

Location: Mopani area

Date: June 1st 2011
Photographed by Lappies Labuschagne

Location: Shingwedzi area (Mabongoma waterhole close to Babalala picknick spot)

Date: September 6th 2011
Updated: December 14th 2015 Photos by Carl & Charmaine Chant
Tuskers of Kruger
Right tusk pointing upwards, left tusk more straight
Left ear: 3 wide notches and 3 holes, 2at the lower part and 1 near the center
Right ear: Small hole near the center
ID marks Tusks:
ID marks Ears  :
Named after a waterhole along the Capricorn Loop between Mopani and Shingwedzi
Photographed by Willie Knoetze

Location: Babalala, north of Shingwedzi

Date: September 25th 2014
Photographed by Carl & Charmaine Chant

Location: Between Shingwedzi and Punda Maria (near Mawawi waterhole)

Date: October 26th 2015