Tuskers of region: SOUTH
Tuskers of Kruger
ID Marks - Description
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Both tusks almost equal in length, Left ear several notches and loose pieces of skin and two small holes. Right ear a large "W" shaped
Notch at top of left ear, right ear is clean. Classic shaped tusks where right tusk is a bit longer then left one
Tusks almost equal in length. Small hole and a loose piece of skin in left ear. Named and collared by STE (Save the Elephants org)
Left ear: Hole near the center of the ear and small piece of loose skin. Right ear: Lower part "ragged" with big
notches and tears.Tusks: Thick and widely splayed, right tusk longer then left
Wide v-shaped notch in right ear at the upper part top of the earlobe. Small V-shaped notch in left ear, at the lower part of the
earlobe. Classically shaped tusks, right tusk a bit higher then left one
Clean right ear. Wider notch in center and small hole in lower part of the left ear. The left tusk is broken, small piece remaining.
The right tusk is long and curved
Thick splayed tusks. Left tusk more straight and longer then the right tusk. Right ear: several notches,
V-shaped tear to the
center of the ear and a U-shaped notch at the lower part near the neckline
V-shaped notch in left ear with a small hole just above this notch. Small notch in the right ear (centre).
The left tusk is a bit
longer and more straight then right tusk
Inward curved tusks. Big notch in right ear.
Very small notch in right ear (centre) and two small notches in the left ear (centre and upper part of the earlobe) The left tusk
is longer then right one and curved upwards. The right tusk is more straight
Passed away , date unknown , carcass never found
Tusks: Almost equal in length. Left ear: Ragged with several smaller and large notches and a hole in the middle section. Right
ear: two notches
Identification: Upward-Inward curved tusks. Right ear: Big notch at the lower part and a smaller notch near the center
Identification: Upward-curved tusks, Both ears almost clean, small hole in the lower part of the right ear
Identification: Young bull. Tusks: Almost equal in lenghth.
Right ear (not visible), Left ear: Two small notches near the center.
Inward curved tusks. Left ear: V shaped notch (downside, close to the body) and notch near the center. Right ear: Clean
Passed away - Date unknown and carcass never found or not reported